Friday, April 17, 2009

Let go of worrying

My continuation once again regarding the blog that i posted entitled ” 10 simple ways to save yourself from missing up your up your life” is here again.

This second part pertaining into yourself to let go all those bad things that bothered.

Let go of worrying. It often makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen. When you’re hair-trigger primed to notice the first sign of trouble, you’ll surely find something close enough to convince yourself it’s come. Try to make your self busy.

The following are the sayings that i was once read from a book:

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened? - Winston Churchill

“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.? - Arthur Somers Roche

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.? - Leo Buscaglia

“We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives.? - Maya Angelou

I also recommend to all of you guys to read this funny yet interesting article entitled “Are Woman Gamers More Hardcore Than Men“, But of course i know being a man still the hardcore in everything.

Enjoy your self being part of this lovely world. Try to look somethings that makes you happy and enjoy, try to play some online games. This is the thing that help my self thinking being alone, my new world and my new place.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Get back and relax

Everytime I visit makes my day complete, I'am always looking forward to the icon "FOCUS" on the left upper side of the main page of the
It was a nice day again dropbying into the said site by reading funny yet entertaining article intitled " Gamers Are More Accepting Of Same-Sex Marriage?" By William Usher.

Topics have been popping up across the broad range of gaming sites that convey importance, meaning and food-for-thought rationalizations that ? dare I say ? even important political minds seem to forego. So what topic is rearing its head up and over the hedges, today? Same-sex marriage in video games.

You can read more about this details at If you are a gamers I'am sure you will enjoy reading some articles posted from

Fun and Quality Website

Really cool and funtastic gamesite i ever had is, it was just a simple first visit when i accidentally browses the said online gaming website. I was looking the cheaper and yet qaulity posted gold item for me to purchase it and for me to be able to become a better online gamer for WOW,.
Luckily I thank you to the for having what im looking for.
But this not my point of story, the one that i am pertaining regarding my blog's title is a special feature on the human side of MMORPGs from guest columnist Miss B, a dedicated MMORPGer with over a year of Lucas Arts' Star Wars Galaxies under her game playing belt:
So fun and entertaining story "Love and romance in the world of Massive Multi Online Role Playing Games". I am sure you too guyz will enjoy when you read the said story, plus much more entertaining story from
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